web technology Online Quiz - 134

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 134
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Name the .NET Framework feature that can be used to add a method to pre-compiled classes without using inheritance

  1. Extension methods

  2. Lambda Expression

  3. Anonymous methods

  4. Expression trees

Correct Option: A

Which of the following statements is false about Windows Workflow Foundation

  1. Extensible Application Markup Language - XAML can be used to define workflow declaratively

  2. Sequential Workflow and State Machine Workflow are two basic workflow type

  3. Workflow can be persisted into SQL server using built in persistence provider

  4. Workflow Runtime can not be hosted in Windows application

Correct Option: D

.NET Framework 3.5 Language Integrated Query (LINQ) support all the listed providers except

  1. LINQ to Objects

  2. LINQ to XML


  4. LINQ to SQL

Correct Option: C

Windows Card Space support following protocols except

  1. WS-Security

  2. WS-Encryption

  3. WS-SecurityPolicy

  4. WS-Trust

Correct Option: B

XML's goal is to replace HTML

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

What does XSL stand for?

  1. eXtra Style Language

  2. eXpandable Style Language

  3. eXtensible Style Listing

  4. eXtensible Stylesheet Language

Correct Option: D

There is a way of describing XML data, how?

  1. XML uses a description node to describe data

  2. XML uses a DTD to describe the data

  3. XML uses XSL to describe data

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Is this a "well formed" XML document? Tove Jani

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which is not a correct name for an XML element?

  1. All 3 names are incorrect

Correct Option: A

What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version?

  1. None of the above

Correct Option: C

What does DTD stand for?

  1. Direct Type Definition

  2. Dynamic Type Definition

  3. Document Type Definition

  4. Do The Dance

Correct Option: C

Is this a "well formed" XML document? Tove Jani Reminder Don't forget me this weekend!

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which statement is true?

  1. All XML elements must be properly closed

  2. All the statements are true

  3. All XML elements must be lower case

  4. All XML documents must have a DTD

Correct Option: A

XML preserves white spaces

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Is this a "well formed" XML document? Tove Jani

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

XML elements cannot be empty

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) True - This option is incorrect because XML elements can indeed be empty. In XML, an element can be represented as an empty element by using a self-closing tag, such as ``. This indicates that the element has no content and does not require a closing tag.

Option B) False - This option is correct because XML elements can be empty. As mentioned earlier, an element can be represented as an empty element using a self-closing tag in XML.

The correct answer is B. XML elements can be empty.

XML attribute values must always be enclosed in quotes

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

For the XML parser to ignore a certain section of your XML document, which syntax is correct?

  1. Text to be ignored

  2. Text to be ignored

Correct Option: D

What does XML stand for?

  1. X-Markup Language

  2. eXtensible Markup Language

  3. Example Markup Language

  4. eXtra Modern Link

Correct Option: B

What is a correct way of referring to a stylesheet called "mystyle.xsl" ?

  1. None of the above

Correct Option: B
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