web technology Online Quiz - 113

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 113
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Which is the function used to order backwards an associative array maintaining associations?

  1. asort($array)

  2. ksort($array)

  3. krsort($array)

  4. usort($array)

Correct Option: C

Which of these are valid php functions to use with a mysql server?

  1. $result = mysql_obtain_rows($query);

  2. $result = mysql_executeNonQuery($query);

  3. $result = mysql_query($query);

  4. $record = mysql_fetch_array($result)

Correct Option: C,D

Which of the following are valid statements to obtain the number of row returned by a sql query (It could be from any DBMS)

  1. pg_numrows($result)

  2. postregSQL_numRows($result)

  3. mysql_num_rows($result)

  4. ora_num_rows

Correct Option: A,C

The difference between require and include is that include raises an exception if the file is not found while require continues the execution.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which of these assignments are not valid?

  1. short s = 28

  2. byte b = 12

  3. float f = 2.3

  4. double d = 2.3

Correct Option: C

What is the default configuration setting for the Data Replication Service (DRS)?

  1. full group replica

  2. single replica

  3. entire domain

  4. specify number of replica

Correct Option: B

When configuring session management for a Web container, which property represents the number of cached sessions?

  1. Session Expiry value

  2. Maximum in-memory session count

  3. L2 Cache Integration count

  4. Maximum wait on serial access

Correct Option: B

According to the Upstream Queuing model for performance tuning, what reflects the correct application of recommended settings for maximum concurrent clients?

  1. Web server=75, Web container=50, Datasource=25

  2. Web server=75, Web container=75, Datasource=25

  3. Web server=50, Web container=50, Datasource=50

  4. Web server=25, Web container=50, Datasource=75

Correct Option: A

Under which circumstance should the WebSphere administrator use the dumpNameSpace utility?

  1. To clear the namespace prior to installing or redeploying an application

  2. When the application server will not start because the JNDI namespace tables have become corrupted

  3. Before regenerating the plug-in for the Web server

  4. When applications are experiencing a problem accessing a specific WebSphere data source

Correct Option: D

What is the advantage of implementing a multi-tiered environment across multiple machines?

  1. The tiers allow you to tune individual products.

  2. It is the separation of tiers that allows operating system tuning parameters to be used based on the machine's function

  3. Separation reduces maintenance complexities since components are highly available in a distributed configuration.

  4. t can more closely align with a customer's business functions (i.e. distribution, ordering, and inventory management.)

Correct Option: B

Which statement is true for a managed application server process to startup?

  1. The node agent should not be started before any managed servers on that node.

  2. A node agent and deployment manager must be running before starting a managed server.

  3. Starting a managed server is not dependent on the presence of a running deployment manager.

  4. The deployment manager needs to be started before the managed server.

Correct Option: C

with a production application server, the administrator notes that the database connection pools have a much lower percentage of utilization than the other pools. Which statement explains this observation?

  1. The database server is constrained, causing calls to the database to consume more resources than are available for processing.

  2. This condition indicates there is a bottleneck in one of the processes upstream in the pipeline of process flows within the application server.

  3. The Tivoli Performance Viewer percentages are only useful for performing performance analysis on a server that is executing in a controlled load test scenario.

  4. The connection pools have not been defined to account for parallel application server calls to the database, causing this particular server to show low utilization.

Correct Option: B

In order to generate a plug-in configuration file on which all applications in the cell are mapped, which action must a system administrator take?

  1. Run the GenPluginCfg command on each server

  2. Select the Generate Plug-in option in the Web server's page in the administrative console

  3. Run the GenPluginCfg command on the deployment manager

  4. Select the Automatically Generate Plug-in option in the administrative console

Correct Option: C

For security reasons, an administrator would like to ensure that HTML resources are isolated between Web modules running on a server. Which setting should the administrator configure?

  1. Class loader configuration

  2. Virtual host configuration

  3. HTTPS port configuration

  4. Admin console configuration

Correct Option: B

with a production application server, the administrator notes that the database connection pools have a much lower percentage of utilization than the other pools. Which statement explains this observation?

  1. This condition indicates there is a bottleneck in one of the processes upstream in the pipeline of process flows within the application server.

  2. The connection pools have not been defined to account for parallel application server calls to the database, causing this particular server to show low utilization.

  3. The Tivoli Performance Viewer percentages are only useful for performing performance analysis on a server that is executing in a controlled load test scenario.

  4. The database server is constrained, causing calls to the database to consume more resources than are available for processin

Correct Option: A

How can a graph be terminated based on condition?

  1. force_stop()

  2. force_error()

  3. force_close()

  4. force_break()

Correct Option: B

when lookup() and lookup_local()are used?

  1. lookup() for serial lookup files; lookup_local() for multifile lookup files

  2. lookup() for multifile lookup files; lookup_local() for serial lookup files

  3. lookup

  4. None

Correct Option: A

The Range of values for Primitive type 'char' in java is

  1. -2^15 to 2^15-1

  2. -2^7 to 2^7-1

  3. -2^31 to 2^31-1

  4. 0 to 2^16-1

Correct Option: D

what is the default name of the rule execution server console web application?

  1. local host

  2. bres

  3. bres_admin

  4. res

Correct Option: B

the files that make up the BOM entry?

  1. BOM& VOC

  2. B2X

  3. all the above

  4. none

Correct Option: C
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