web technology Online Quiz - 108

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 108
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Which among the following are called the Figurative Constants?

  1. Space, Spaces

  2. 66, 77, 88

  3. Zero, Zeroes

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A,C

Using which option we can copy one input file o multiple outputfiles using sort. //S1 EXEC PGM=SORT //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SORTIN DD DSN=... inputFILE //OUT1 DD DSN=... outputFILE1 //OUT2 DD DSN=... output file2 ... //SYSIN DD * OPTION COPY



  3. A & B

  4. NONE

Correct Option: B

J2EE components are written in which language?

  1. C

  2. C++

  3. C sharp

  4. Java

Correct Option: D

Components sucha as HTML and applet embeded HTMl pages are managed, deployed in J2EE server and executed in Client machine.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which of these is not a container (application componets) in J2EE ?

  1. Application Client

  2. Applet

  3. Java Bean

  4. EJB

  5. Web

Correct Option: C

J2ee application components can interact directly with other J2EE application components.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Which of these is not a web component

  1. Servelt

  2. JSP pages

  3. Server side utility

  4. Both a and b

Correct Option: C

Which of these is not a enterprise bean?

  1. message driven bean

  2. entity bean

  3. session bean

  4. page bean

Correct Option: D

Which of these xml file is used to describe the deployment settings of the components of J2EE

  1. Mapping

  2. Deployment Desciptor

  3. Navigation

  4. Component

Correct Option: B

This software component is used to implement network connectivity to an external resource manager.

  1. Resource Searcher

  2. Resource Adapter

  3. Resource Merger

  4. Resource Finder

Correct Option: B

Genrally the Database will not be accessible by this component.

  1. Application Client

  2. Applet

  3. Web

  4. EJB

Correct Option: B

This is used for connectivity to the relational Database systems.

  1. JMS

  2. Java IDL

  3. JDBC

  4. JAF

Correct Option: C

This service allowas J2EE application components to invoke external CORBA objects using IIOP protocol.

  1. JMS

  2. Java IDL

  3. JDBC

  4. JAF

Correct Option: B

J2EE application with all of its modules are delivered as this file

  1. .war

  2. .jar

  3. .ear

  4. .rar

Correct Option: C

Enterprise Bean developer performs the source code, specifies deployment descriptor to deliver an EJB ____ file

  1. WAR

  2. JAR

  3. EAR

  4. RAR

Correct Option: B

Web component developer performs the servlet source code, writes jsp, html pages, specifies the deployment desriptor and bundle all these as a ____ file

  1. WAR

  2. JAR

  3. EAR

  4. RAR

Correct Option: A

Application client developer performs the source code, specifies deployment descriptor to deliver ____ file

  1. WAR

  2. JAR

  3. EAR

  4. RAR

Correct Option: B

System administrator perform the following tasks to install and configure a J2EE application. (select the answer which is given in the correct order)

  1. Verify the content for J2EE specification, Configure the descriptor, Add EAR, Deploys the EAR file to J2EE server

  2. Configure the descriptor, Add EAR, Verify the content for J2EE specification, Deploys the EAR file to J2EE server

  3. Verify the content for J2EE specification,Add EAR, Configure the descriptor, Deploys the EAR file to J2EE server

  4. Add EAR, Configure the descriptor, Verify the content for J2EE specification, Deploys the EAR file to J2EE server

Correct Option: D

Database supported by different J2EE products cannot vary.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The benefits of using this bean is we don’t have to write any SQL code or use the JDBC API to perform Database operations. EJB itself will handle this.

  1. message driven bean

  2. entity bean

  3. session bean

  4. page bean

Correct Option: B
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