web technology Online Quiz - 83

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 83
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Ticket events impact

  1. All flows related to this work object which have the ticket

  2. All Flows related to work object which are being executed at that time and have the ticket

  3. One flow related to work object which is being executed at that time and have the ticket

  4. All flows related to the work object

Correct Option: B

ServiceLevel used to set SLA's comes under the following menu

  1. Technical

  2. SysAdmin

  3. Process

  4. Security

Correct Option: C

Following doesn't come under 'Event Types To Trace' tab of Tracer

  1. Flow

  2. Declare Constraint

  3. Declare Decision Tree

  4. Activity Steps

Correct Option: D
  1. Property-Map-Value calls a Rule-Obj-MapValue once, and Property-Map-ValuePair calls it twice

  2. Property-Map-Value can call a Rule-Obj-MapValue and pass a single row input, and Property-Map-Value-Pair can call a Rule-Obj-Map Value and pass two row inputs

  3. Property-Map-Value can call a Rule-Obj-MapValue and pass a single row input, and Property-Map-Value-Pair can call a Rule-Obj-Map Value and pass a single row input and single column input

  4. Property-Map-Value can call a Rule-Obj-MapValue and pass a single row input, and Property-Map-Value-Pair can call a Rule-Obj-Map Value and pass multiple row inputs

Correct Option: C

External systems access PRPC application data and processes using

  1. Services

  2. Connectors

  3. Servers

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

Correspondence Types are of type

  1. Rule-Obj-Corr

  2. Rule-CorrType

  3. Rule-Obj-CorrType

  4. Rule-Corr

Correct Option: B

Which can be specified repeated number of times (in SLA)

  1. Goal

  2. Deadline

  3. Late

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

What is correct sequence in SmartBuild

  1. Class Structure, Properties, User Interface, Activities

  2. Class Structure, Properties, Activities,User Interface

  3. Properties, Class Structure, User Interface, Activities

  4. Class Structure, Activities,Properties, User Interface

Correct Option: A

Pick a method used to display XML Formatted page

  1. Show-Page

  2. Show – XML

  3. Apply-Parse-XML

  4. Display – XML

Correct Option: A

How can different operators share the same workbasket

  1. Ids should be in same WorkGroup

  2. Ids should be in same Classgroup

  3. Ids should be in same WorkPool

  4. Ids should be in same AccessGroup

Correct Option: A

Which method is used to modify px properties

  1. Property-Set

  2. They cannot be changed

  3. Property-Set-X

  4. Property-Set-Special

Correct Option: D

Cover and Covered object should belong to

  1. Same ClassGroup

  2. Same AccessGroup

  3. Same WorkPool

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Rule-Obj-When is mapped to which shape

  1. Decision

  2. Logic

  3. Fork

  4. Ticket

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following rules would be most appropriate to use for displaying a count of New, Open, Pending and Resolved work objects ?

  1. Rule-Obj-Count

  2. Rule-Obj-ListView

  3. Rule-Obj-SummaryView

  4. Rule-Obj-GroupBy

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following properties is found on the pxRequestor page ?

  1. pxFlowInsKey

  2. pxAssignmentKey

  3. pxUserIdentifier

  4. pyID

Correct Option: C

To enter new work, a user selects a work type from the New selection list in the Process Work gadget of the navigation panel. How do you add another value to this list ?

  1. create a new flow and check Creates a New Work Object

  2. create a new work class and clear the cache

  3. create a new work class and update the HTML containing the selection list

  4. create a new flow and update the value of pyFlowType in the work class model

Correct Option: A

What is the appropriate "Applies To" class when creating a ListView that displays operator Full Names and User Identifiers

  1. Data-Admin-Operator-ID

  2. Rule-Obj-Operator

  3. Rule-Obj-ListView

  4. Rule-Access-Role-Name

Correct Option: A

__________ is the conventional name for the page that contains a covering work object

  1. pyWorkPage

  2. pyObjectCover

  3. pyObjectWork

  4. pyWorkCover

Correct Option: D

Use Edit Input rules (Rule-Edit-Input) to

  1. convert input data to a standard format

  2. test prperty values

  3. perform a database INSERT

  4. define and enforce comparison relationships among property values

Correct Option: A

Prerequisite rule set for all initial application rulesets

  1. Not necessary to have a prerequisite for initial application rulesets

  2. PegaApp

  3. Pega-Rules

  4. Pega-ProCom

Correct Option: D
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