web technology Online Quiz - 67

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 67
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Name of functionality from Google maps through which one can virtually visit any place in the world through internet enabled PC or laptop.

  1. Earth View

  2. Street View

  3. Zoom In

  4. Zoom Out

Correct Option: B

Which of the following content management used in IB?

  1. a. MSec

  2. b. Tridion

  3. c. Resource Bundle

  4. d. Content Service

Correct Option: B

Which of the following are used to connect mainframe transactions

  1. a. DB2 Connect

  2. b. MF connect

  3. c. IMS connect

  4. d. CBus

Correct Option: C,D

How many nodes are present per instance for WebSphere in IB.

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 5

Correct Option: C

Select standard J2EE applications presentation tier framework

  1. Struts

  2. Spring MVC

  3. Standard JSP, Servle

  4. WebWork

Correct Option: B

Database can be accessed from service layer

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Database can be accessed from service layer

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Database transactions managemet is performed by


  2. Hiberntae

  3. EJB

  4. AOP proxies

Correct Option: D

Select all the correct statements regarding Spring Framework usage in Michaels

  1. Spring IOC constrcutor injection is used

  2. Spring IOC setter injection is used

  3. Spring IOC interface injection is used

  4. Spring IOC interface injection is not used

Correct Option: B

Application datasource is configured is which of the foll. file?

  1. web.xml

  2. application.properties

  3. server.xml

  4. .xml

Correct Option: C

employee WHERE org_id = 1000 SELECT COUNT(*) AS total SELECT id, name Select applicable answer(s):

  1. Fragement statement is incorrect

  2. Statements which include fragment are incorrect

  3. All the statements are correct

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Which is the standard version of Java in Michaels?

  1. 1.4

  2. 1.5

  3. 1.6

  4. 1.7

Correct Option: A

cron expression is used in

  1. JSTL

  2. Quartz

  3. iBatis

  4. AOP

Correct Option: B

Spring Framework beans cn have class level variables other than logger object

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Cant say

  4. None

Correct Option: B

E-mail started in?

  1. 1966

  2. 1965

  3. 1964

  4. 1963

Correct Option: B

The parts before and after @ sign are?

  1. domain name,local part

  2. local part,domain name

  3. None of the above

  4. Both of them

Correct Option: B

What is meant by Bcc?

  1. Before Carbon Copy

  2. Body Field Carbon Copy

  3. Blind Carbon Copy

  4. All

Correct Option: C

The usefulness of e-mail is being threatened by which phenomena?

  1. email bombardment

  2. spamming

  3. phishing

  4. email worms

  5. All

Correct Option: E

'@' sign means?

  1. cut line

  2. kill line

  3. remove line

  4. All

Correct Option: B

What are the components of Struts 1.3?

  1. Model

  2. View

  3. Controller

  4. ALL of the above

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: D
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