web technology Online Quiz - 56
Description: web technology Online Quiz - 56 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: web technology |
Should the object referenced by a CompoundPropertyModel be Serializable?
Wicket throws an error if the component is not provided a model, even if the component's parent has an inheritable model.
What is the default method that wicket uses while submitting forms?
Which of the following is not a part of SOA architecture
The Interface Used by Web Service is
Root element of a WSDl file
Soap Body is an optional element in a soap message
Which of the following is not a type of information at UDDi registry
SOAp message contains the following
Which element of the WSDL contains the end point url
Service Locator requires use of generated proxy at client side for the service invocation
Each message in a wsdl consists of one or more of the following
Which of the following is used for publishing and discovery of the information of web services
What is the Processing date of the Policy if we are creating Policy with the Effective Date of 08-20-10 ?
1.On which .Net Framework is the current architecture based?
Which of these are windows hosted service that we have in TRAQ?
In which project module does all the database transactions like SP calls and Data Mapping is made?
What is the technology in which this project is built?
The Login logic is implemented in TRAQ using?
EC Engine runs on a ___________