web technology Online Quiz - 42

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 42
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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Which control supports paging?

  1. Repeater

  2. DataGrid

  3. Both

  4. None

Correct Option: B

By which method we can fill data in the datagrid?

  1. DataAdapter

  2. DataRepeater

  3. DataSet

  4. DatasScalar

Correct Option: A

To format alternating rows of data in a datagrid, manipulate which property?

  1. HeaderStyle

  2. FooterStyle

  3. ItemStyle

  4. AlternatingItemStyle

Correct Option: D

In your application, you need to display certain data in list form, but it needs to be general purpose, does not have to be data bound, and can dynamically create rows. What type of list control is best suited for the scenario above?

  1. Repeater

  2. DataGrid

  3. DataList

  4. Table

  5. TableList

Correct Option: B

Which one of the following ASP.NET tags is valid?

  1. < hyperlinkcolumn>

  2. < boundcolumns>

  3. < asp: headerstyle>

  4. < columns>

  5. < datagrid>

Correct Option: D

Which event does the web DataGrid control raise when the custom button is clicked?

  1. ItemCommand

  2. ButtonClicked

  3. OnClick

  4. EditCommand

Correct Option: A

Which response is faster to sort the data in datagrid?

  1. DataView

  2. SqlQuery

  3. Stored procedure

  4. DataTable

Correct Option: A

What file extension is required for an ASP.NET Web Service?

  1. .aspx

  2. .asmx

  3. .ascx

  4. .wsdl

  5. .svc

Correct Option: B

What are the principles of Object-Oriented Programming?

  1. Classes, Objects, Methods,Heritance,Capsulation and Multimorphism

  2. Classes,Dock Objects, Methods,Heritance,Encapsulation and Multimorphism

  3. Classes, Objects, Methods,Heritance,Capsulation and Polymorphism

  4. Classes, Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism

Correct Option: D

What are some of the third party code libraries you use?

  1. AniMax

  2. TweenMax

  3. FlashMax

  4. ActionMax

Correct Option: B

What’s the preferred method for embedding a SWF in HTML?





Correct Option: A

What is default frame rate of the timeline in frame per second ?

  1. 12

  2. 10

  3. 24

  4. 32

Correct Option: A

How do you implement push on a flex applications?

  1. Http request

  2. Xml Data

  3. LiveCycle Data Services

  4. Url tracking

Correct Option: C

Adobe Flash is an???

  1. game

  2. language

  3. 2D-Software

  4. i don no

Correct Option: C

Action Script is usd in???

  1. Flash Programming

  2. Action programming

  3. Game Progamming

  4. Science Programming

Correct Option: A

the default frame rate in a flash document is???

  1. 6

  2. 12

  3. 18

  4. 24

Correct Option: B

.swf format is the???

  1. swish file format

  2. flash file format

  3. swarf file file format

  4. photoshop file format

Correct Option: B

The 2 types of tweening in flash are______________

  1. Tree,Shape

  2. Motion,Set

  3. Motion,Shape

  4. Shape,Animate

Correct Option: C

Actionscript 2 is?????

  1. 2nd part of the action movie

  2. a version of action script

  3. a 2nd release of the javascript

  4. wat ever may be

Correct Option: B

Which tool is used for editing gradient

  1. draw tool

  2. gradient tool

  3. pen tool

  4. ink bottle tool

Correct Option: B
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