web technology Online Quiz - 12

Description: web technology Online Quiz - 12
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: web technology
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SOAP means .. ?

  1. Simple Object Access Protocol

  2. Sample Object Access Protocol

  3. Servlet Object Access Protocol

  4. Simple Obtained Access Protocol

Correct Option: A

SOAP makes object access simple by allowing applications to invoke object methods or functions, residing on ------------------

  1. local servers

  2. remote servers

  3. many local servers

  4. none

Correct Option: B

WSDL means ....

  1. Web Servlet Description Language

  2. Web Service Description Language

  3. Web Services Description Language

  4. Web Service Deployment Language

Correct Option: B

WSDL is a

  1. an jsp-based service IDL

  2. an non XML-based service IDL

  3. an XML-based service IDL

  4. none

Correct Option: C

A service provider ...

  1. uses a Web service

  2. creates a Web service

  3. uses and destroys the Web service

  4. none

Correct Option: B

Top to down approach is a method of ....

  1. not developing a WSDL and then generating a java class

  2. Developing a WSDL and then generating a java class

  3. Writting a java class and then generating a WSDL.

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Web services constitute a .......

  1. LAN computer architecture

  2. Dependant LAN computer architecture

  3. distributed computer architecture

  4. None

Correct Option: C

SOAP headers contain ....

  1. all validations and requests

  2. all Validations

  3. all requests

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Requests can be of which types

  1. only XML

  2. XSD, XML, XML schemas

  3. only XSD

  4. only XML schemas

Correct Option: B

By using Web services,

  1. your application can publish its function or message to the rest of the world

  2. your application can publish its function or message to the local system

  3. your application can hide its function or message to the rest of the world

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Testing have the following objectives

  1. Finding defects

  2. Gaining confidence about the level of quality

  3. Providing information for decision-making

  4. Preventing defects

  5. 1,2,4

  6. all the above

Correct Option: F

How many zeroes does a Google have?

  1. 100

  2. 10

  3. 50

  4. 1000

Correct Option: A

In which scripting language the code is embedded between '' and '?>' ??

  1. Coldfusion

  2. PHP

  3. Python

  4. ASP

Correct Option: B

Which is the IP address for broadcast on a LAN?





Correct Option: C

Which is the most popular PHP website?

  1. Facebook

  2. Yahoo

  3. Wikipedia

  4. Flickr

Correct Option: B

Which famous web application is Jack Smith cofounder of?

  1. Blogger

  2. Picasa

  3. Hotmail

  4. Delicious

Correct Option: C

When is a lock in database used?

  1. When you want to protect the data from outside attacks

  2. When there are users accessing the same data simultaneously

  3. When there is a chance for database to go down

  4. When database maintenance is going on

Correct Option: B

How do we better know the language 'Mocha' as?

  1. JavaScript

  2. Java

  3. Perl

  4. Rexx

Correct Option: A

If I add the same setting in following 3 config files: 1. Web.config of system 2. Machine.config of system 3. Web.config at root level What would be the order of application of that particular setting

  1. 3 -> 2 -> 1

  2. 3 -> 1 -> 2

  3. 1 - 2 - > 3

  4. None of Above

Correct Option: B
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