mainframe Online Quiz - 107
Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 107 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: mainframe |
Correct 0
Score 0
The format of GSAM call is
The call function name used for inserting a new record is
In GSAM we can insert records
We can add records randomly to GSAM data sets
GSAM does not allow us to
The format of an I/O area with control characters for the fixed length record is
When the GSAM detected a variable length record with an invalid format it returns
When the RSA(Key feed back area ) for GU call is not specified it returns
When there is a data management open error it returns
The format of an I/O area with control characters for the variable length record is
RSA field holds the
When an invalid request is issued against GSAM database it returns