mainframe Online Quiz - 107

Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 107
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: mainframe
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  1. Generated Sequential Access Method

  2. Generalized Sequential Access Method

  3. Generalized Servicing Access Method

  4. Generalized Sequential Authendication Method

Correct Option: B
  1. unordered and non hierarchical data base

  2. sequential and hierarchical data base

  3. sequential and non hierarchical data base

  4. unordered and hierarchical data base

Correct Option: C
  1. Queries

  2. Function calls

  3. DL/I calls

  4. DL/1 calls

Correct Option: C

The format of GSAM call is

  1. CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING call-func, pcb-name, ioarea

  2. CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING call-func, Ioarea

  3. CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING pcb-name, Ioarea

  4. CALL 'CBLTDLI' USING call-func, pdb-name pcb-name, Ioarea

Correct Option: A

The call function name used for inserting a new record is


  2. INSRT

  3. ISRT

  4. INST

Correct Option: C

In GSAM we can insert records

  1. At the beginning only

  2. At the specified position

  3. At random position

  4. At the end only

Correct Option: D

We can add records randomly to GSAM data sets

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

GSAM does not allow us to

  1. add and edit the record

  2. Add and delete the record

  3. Modify and delete the record

  4. insert and delete the record

Correct Option: C
  1. Only fixed length record

  2. only variable length record

  3. both fixed length and variable length records

  4. only specified length record

Correct Option: C
  1. last 2 bytes of the record

  2. First 2 bytes of the records

  3. 3rd and 4th bytes of the record

  4. The record length will not be specified in the record

Correct Option: B

The format of an I/O area with control characters for the fixed length record is

  1. the data begins in byte 1

  2. the data begins in byte 0

  3. control character in byte 0 and data begins in byte 1

  4. control character is specified at the end

Correct Option: C

When the GSAM detected a variable length record with an invalid format it returns

  1. AF

  2. AH

  3. AI

  4. AO

Correct Option: A

When the RSA(Key feed back area ) for GU call is not specified it returns

  1. AF

  2. AH

  3. AI

  4. AO

Correct Option: B

When there is a data management open error it returns

  1. AJ

  2. AI

  3. AH

  4. AO

Correct Option: B

The format of an I/O area with control characters for the variable length record is

  1. the data begins in byte 1

  2. byte 0 and byte 1 contains 2 byte length field

  3. byte 0 contains control character and byte 1 and 2 contains the length field

  4. byte 0 and 1 contains the 2 byte length field and byte 3 contains control character

Correct Option: D

RSA field holds the

  1. Actual record

  2. Address of the next record

  3. Address of the record retrieved

  4. Address of the previous record

Correct Option: C

When an invalid request is issued against GSAM database it returns

  1. AI

  2. AJ

  3. AM

  4. AH

Correct Option: C
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