mainframe Online Quiz - 100

Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 100
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: mainframe
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All IBM products related to mainframe are base product.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Operating system has its own end of life, but Base products don't have separate End of life

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

READ ANSWER INTO POS 1 W=500 IF POS ANY = 'CORRECT ANSWER' T MOD POS 100 'MINDWORKS' If LRECL of file ANSWER is 80 then which one of the following is correct?

  1. POS ANY searches anywhere between POS 1 to POS 80 (LRECL)

  2. POS ANY searches anywhere between POS 1 to POS 500 (WORKING AREA)

  3. POS ANY searches anywhere between POS 80 to POS 500

  4. ANY is not a positional Keyword

Correct Option: A


  1. Read the control card

  2. Read the file with ddname SYSIN

  3. Dummy line to set worklength

  4. READ CARD is not valid command

Correct Option: B

REXX could call selcopy program

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

EQU NOOFJOBS 1 Which one of the following is correct?

  1. Pos 1 is now assigned a name NOOFJOBS

  2. NOOFJOBS = 1

  3. EQU is not valid selcopy Keyword

  4. Don't know

Correct Option: A

VSAM processing is not possible using selcopy.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

REXX program could be compiled using REXX compiler.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

x='MIND' y='WORKS' K=xy L=x||y M=x' 'y Which of the following will display 'MINDWORKS'?

  1. SAY K

  2. SAY L

  3. SAY M

  4. SAY XY


Correct Option: B,E



  2. 3

  3. Null

  4. QUEUED is not a REXX keyword

Correct Option: B

x=12 y=4 z=x%y What is the value of z?

  1. 0

  2. 3

  3. 4

  4. 12

Correct Option: B

Rexx could be executed in batch.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Expansion for JES

  1. Job Entry System

  2. Job Entry Subsystem

  3. Job Exit System

  4. Job Exit Subsystem

Correct Option: B

Expansion for DBRM

  1. Database Rate Modifier

  2. Database Rate Module

  3. Database Request Module

  4. Database Request Modifier

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Database Rate Modifier - This option is incorrect because "Rate Modifier" does not accurately describe the purpose or function of DBRM.

Option B) Database Rate Module - This option is incorrect because "Rate Module" does not accurately describe the purpose or function of DBRM.

Option C) Database Request Module - This option is correct. DBRM stands for Database Request Module. It is a component or module in a database management system that handles incoming requests from applications or users and coordinates the retrieval or modification of data in the database.

Option D) Database Request Modifier - This option is incorrect because "Request Modifier" does not accurately describe the purpose or function of DBRM.

The correct answer is C) Database Request Module. This option is correct because DBRM stands for Database Request Module, which accurately describes its purpose in a database management system.

Expansion for COBOL

  1. Common Business Oriented Language

  2. Common Business Object Language

  3. Common Balls Of Light

  4. Common Object Business Oriented LAnguage

Correct Option: A

Expansion for VSAM

  1. Virtual Storage Access Method

  2. Virtual Shared Access Method

  3. Virtual Shared Access Memory

  4. Virtual Storage Access Memory

Correct Option: A

Expansion for REXX

  1. REXpand Xml

  2. REstructured EXtended EXecutor

  3. Reload EXtended XML

  4. REstructured EXpand XML

Correct Option: B

Expansion for JEM

  1. Job Entry Module

  2. Job Entry Macro

  3. Job Edit Macro

  4. Job Exit Module

Correct Option: C

Expansion for IMS

  1. Information Management System

  2. Information Module Subsystem

  3. Information Management Subsystem

  4. Information Module System

Correct Option: A

Expansion for BNC

  1. Bayonet Neill Concelman

  2. Boyz Nelson Canceil

  3. Bharat Nirman Centers

  4. British National Corpus

Correct Option: A
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