mainframe Online Quiz - 98
Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 98 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: mainframe |
TSO - Time Sharing Option
ISPF - Interactive System Productivity Facility
JCL = Job Control Language
VSAM = Virtual Storage Access Method
PDS = Partitioned Data Set
PO = Partitioned Organization
RACF = Resource Access Control Facility
KSDS = Key-Sequenced Data Set
RRDS = Relative Record Data Set
ESDS = Entry-Sequenced Data Set
Which of the below is (are) the use of edit mask?
VVDS = VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) Volume Data Set
SMS = Storage Management Subsystem
VAL() function is used to get the numeric value in a alphanumeric variable.
"Data in the database ------------------------------- IDENT-ID IDENT-NAME IDENT-AGE IDENT-SEX 1234 AAAA 12 M 1234 AAAA 12 F 3456 CCCC 14 F 6879 DDDD 17 M 7625 EEEE 21 F HISTOGRAM IDENTIFICATION-TABLE BY SUPER-ID-NAME-AGE STARTING FROM '1234' WRITE IDENT-ID IDENT-NAME IDENT-AGE IDENT-SEX END-HISTOGRAM What will be the output of the job?"
"DEFINE DATA LOCAL 01 #A (N2) END-DEFINE RESET #A REPEAT UNTIL #A > 99 WRITE #A ADD 1 TO #A END-REPEAT END What is the output of the above program?"
What is the default run priority of an interactive job s in the QINTER subsystem.
An operator needs a job to process from the job queue ahead of other jobs in the queue.Which of the following accomplish this goal.?
The system operator wants to check the disk utilization in the system ASP .Which of the following command will do the tsak.?
Which of the following is the name for a "virtual" optical set.?