mainframe Online Quiz - 93

Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 93
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: mainframe
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Change to Base Code

  1. Alpha

  2. Beta

  3. Gamma

  4. Delta

Correct Option: D

Delete Components

  1. Issuing Delete Command in Endevor

  2. Issuing '#' Command in Endevor Quick-Edit

  3. Issuing a Remove Command in Endevor

  4. Issuing a Delete Statement in Endevor package

Correct Option: D

Option to get Component List

  1. LC Option

  2. LI Option

  3. LL Option

  4. LO Option

Correct Option: A


  1. The component is edited in Endevor

  2. The component is copied to a Temporary dataset and edited

  3. Signs out the element to your ID

  4. a & c only

  5. b & c only

Correct Option: E

Cast Error

  1. Cast will be successful

  2. Cast will be successful because the copybook is not included in the package

  3. Cast will be unsuccessful because the Copybook is signed-out to another user & not compiled in this program

  4. Cast will be unsuccessful because the copybook is not included in the package

Correct Option: C

Cast Error

  1. Uncomment the DCLGEN move statement & cast the package

  2. ignore the statement & cast the package

  3. ignore the statement & cast the package with Warnings

  4. Should not move the code until the DBA's move the DCLGEN

Correct Option: C

Promotion Package

  1. Enable Backout in the Package Options must be set to Y

  2. Enable Backout in the Package Options must be set to N

  3. Doesn't matter what the value of this field is

  4. All the above

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Component Edits

  1. Component can be edited after it is cast in a Package

  2. Component cannot be edited after it is cast in a Package

  3. To edit a component the package should be reset

  4. b & c only

  5. a & c only

Correct Option: D

CCID Change

  1. Yes, it can be changed every day

  2. Yes, at the time of a new action on an element

  3. Yes, it can be changed by the Endevor Admin User

  4. No, it can never be changed

Correct Option: B

Footprint Mismatch

  1. When you try to move a program to another region that contains a version of the program that you didn't use for editing

  2. when you try to move a program to another region via Emergency

  3. when you move a program to a higher region

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Reusable Package

  1. Promotion Statement Package

  2. Delete Statement Package

  3. Add Statement Package

  4. Retrieve Statement Package

  5. c & d only

  6. a, b, c & d

Correct Option: A

Source Codes of Components

  1. Yes, it is SYS0.DEV01D.LOS21.KB.**

  2. Yes, it is individual to every company/application, as decided by Endevor Admin users

  3. Yes, it is always ..

  4. No, it is always present in DEV01.LOS21.KB (Environment.System.SubSystem)

Correct Option: B

What is Endeavor?

  1. A Version Control Tool for elevating components into production

  2. a Source Control tool that always ensures we modify the latest version of the code

  3. a Tool that allows you to automate & control the movement of code during the SDLC

  4. All the above

  5. Only Choice 1 & Choice 2

  6. None of the above

Correct Option: D

1) Expand CICS

  1. A) Custom information control system

  2. B) Customer integrated control system

  3. C) Customer information control system

  4. D) Custom intellectual config system

Correct Option: C

2) Expand LUW

  1. Logic unit work

  2. Logical unit of work

  3. Legacy unit work

  4. Legal unit of work

Correct Option: B

Expand BMS

  1. Basic mapping support

  2. Business mapping support

  3. Business mapped support

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Expand TCT

  1. terminal customer table

  2. Transaction control table

  3. Tranmission control table

  4. Terminal Control table

Correct Option: D

Expand VTAM

  1. visual transaction access method

  2. Virtual telecommunication access method

  3. virtual tele access method

  4. None

Correct Option: B

Expand SNA

  1. systems network analog

  2. sugnal network architecture

  3. Systems network architecture

  4. signal network analog

Correct Option: C

Expand AID

  1. Analog integrator

  2. Attention integrator

  3. Analog identifier

  4. Attention Identifier

Correct Option: D
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