mainframe Online Quiz - 87

Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 87
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: mainframe
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The COBOL perform loop is the equivalent of which of the following structures found in other languages, such as Java or C++

  1. for loop

  2. do while loop

  3. nested loop

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

There are 4 divisions in a cobol program. Which of the following is not one of them?

  1. Identification Division

  2. Linkage Division

  3. Data Division

  4. Procedure Division

Correct Option: B
  1. spaces, special characters, 0-9, A-Z, a-z.

  2. a-z,A-Z,0-9, special characters,spaces

  3. spaces, 0-9, A-Z, a-z,special characters.

  4. special characters, 0-9, A-Z, a-z,spaces

Correct Option: A

The word COBOL is an acronym for what

  1. COmputer Basic Operating Language

  2. COmmon Business Oriented Language

  3. Common OBservation Official Language

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

@CAT,UP TEST*TEST.,F//POS/20 , What is the size of file TEST*TEST.

  1. 20 tracks

  2. 20 *4 tracks

  3. 20 * 28 tracks

  4. 20 * 64 Tracks

Correct Option: D

What is the maximum size we can assign to a file(If UNISYS is not large file enabled)?

  1. 262,143 Tracks

  2. 99,999 Tracks

  3. 16,777,152 Tracks

  4. 2^20 Tracks

Correct Option: A

If we do not give size to file , what is the default size of a file in UNISYS?

  1. 128 Tracks

  2. 256 Tracks

  3. 1 Track

  4. 1 word

Correct Option: B

@CAT,UP TEST*TEST.,///20 , What is the size of file TEST*TEST.

  1. 20 tracks

  2. 20 Sector

  3. 20 Words

  4. None of above

Correct Option: A

@COPY,A AND @ASG,A commands signifies:

  1. Coping an already existing symbolic file and asgning an already existing symbolic file

  2. Coping an absolute file and asgning an already existing symbolic file

  3. Coping an already existing symbolic file and asgning an absolute file

  4. Coping an absolute file and asgning an absolute file.

Correct Option: B

What is the maximum size we can assign to a file(If UNISYS is large file enabled)?

  1. 262,143 Tracks

  2. 99,999 Tracks

  3. 16,777,152 Tracks

  4. 2^20 Tracks

Correct Option: C
  1. POS ? Sector ? Track ? Word

  2. POS ? Track ? Sector ? Word

  3. Track ? Sector ? POS ? Word

  4. Sector ? Track ? Word ? POS

Correct Option: B

How many Bytes and Bits a word has in UNISYS(ASCII format)?

  1. 6 Bytes and 54 Bits

  2. 4 Bytes and 36 Bits

  3. 6 Byte and 48 Bits

  4. 4 Bytes and 32 Bits

Correct Option: B
  1. POS > Sector > Track > Word

  2. POS > Track > Sector > Word

  3. Track > Sector > POS > Word

  4. Sector > Track > Word > POS

Correct Option: B

@CAT,UP TEST*TEST.,F//POS/20 , What is the size of file TEST*TEST.

  1. 20 tracks

  2. 20 *4 tracks

  3. 20 * 28 tracks

  4. 20 * 64 Tracks

Correct Option: D

What is the maximum size we can assign to a file(If UNISYS is not large file enabled)?

  1. 262,143 Tracks

  2. 99,999 Tracks

  3. 16,777,152 Tracks

  4. 2^20 Tracks

Correct Option: A

If we do not give size to file , what is the default size of a file in UNISYS?

  1. 128 Tracks

  2. 256 Tracks

  3. 1 Track

  4. 1 word

Correct Option: B

@CAT,UP TEST*TEST.,///20 , What is the size of file TEST*TEST.

  1. 20 tracks

  2. 20 Sector

  3. 20 Words

  4. None of above

Correct Option: A

What is the maximum size we can assign to a file(If UNISYS is large file enabled)?

  1. 262,143 Tracks

  2. 99,999 Tracks

  3. 16,777,152 Tracks

  4. 2^20 Tracks

Correct Option: C

How many Bytes and Bits a word has in UNISYS(ASCII format)?

  1. 6 Bytes and 54 Bits

  2. 4 Bytes and 36 Bits

  3. 6 Byte and 48 Bits

  4. 4 Bytes and 32 Bits

Correct Option: B

Where will the load module of a component gets copied during a promotion of the component in dev region?





Correct Option: A
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