mainframe Online Quiz - 72
Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 72 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: mainframe |
Which of the following are syntactically correct? (1) 01 REC-1 PIC SX(4). (2) 01 REC-2 PIC S9(4). (3) 01 REC-1 PIC V99. (4) 01 REC-1 PIC P99. (5) 01 REC-1 PIC 9(4)S. (6) 01 REC 1 PIC X(4).
COMPUTE A=B is a valid statement
Maximum number of INSTREAM procedures
5 generations of a GDG already exist. Refer 1st generation in the JCL
The parameter used to specify whether job is to be held until further notice or for syntax checking
I have multiple jobs in a member. What happens if I submit it?
Which of the following functions can DD statements perform?
Which of the following are considerations for selecting programs that may be grouped together as a job?
Which one of the following is a valid job name?
What are the correct values for the DSN parameter of a temporary data set?
vsam means virtual storage acess method
SET is also a valid AMS command.
Which of the following PIC definitions can be used in the declaration of a record of a sequential file that will be used as INPUT
"Which tests are allowed with the following variable? 01 END-OF-FILE PIC X. 88 EOF VALUE 'N'."
Which of the following COBOL EVALUATE statements in syntactically NOT correct?
Take a look at the following COBOL instruction. When will instruction-3 be executed? IF A=B THEN instruction-1 ELSE instruction-2. instruction-3.
Which of the following statements concerning files are true?
What is the content of RESULT after execution of the following COBOL instruction. The start value of RESULT is 0. PERFORM VARYING C FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL C = 6 COMPUTE RESULT = RESULT + 1 END-PERFORM
Can a SEARCH be applied to a table which does not have an INDEX defined?
What is the maximum length of a field you can define using COMP-3?