mainframe Online Quiz - 64
Description: mainframe Online Quiz - 64 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: mainframe |
Spanned records are records larger than CA size.
A CI that contains the record segment of a spanned record contains no other data.
What is the full form of OPC?
Where to see the planned execution of an application or job?
OPC scheduling in Insurance is handled by ATBE.
Which are the status that can be added in the QCP to check the execution of the application?
What is the number of status for a job?
What is the number of status for an application?
How OPC can be accessed in Bank Mainframes?
In which Bank environment OPC scheduler is not available?
When the applications start/come in schedule in Insurance Mainframe?
Where S can be given to select the application, against an application name?
Calculate total space allocated for file if file is having space parm as SPACE=(CYL,(10,10))
Full Form of JES
IEBCOPY can be used for copying one sequential file to another.
How do we access the GDG version created in a previou job step.
Maximum number of versions that a GDG can have is
What are the various sections in Data Division?
Compiler parameter used to prevent an online COBOL program from interactive debugging using CICS supplied debugging transaction CEDF?