databases Online Quiz - 241
Description: databases Online Quiz - 241 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
Which of the query will print the output as 'TCS' (single quotes should come in the output)
What is the maximum number of tables that can be stored on a Partitioned Table Space?
Which view contains details about locked objects ?
A new table has been created in the employee. There are no rows in the table.What would be the output of the query?select count(*) from employee
select INSTR('TCS_SQL','S',4) from dual;
What is the size of a data page?
What is the maximum number of tables that can be stored on a Partitioned Table Space?
What is the maximum number of tables that can be joined?
Can I use DB2 Stored Procedures with Debug Tool?
When you COMMIT, is the cursor closed?
Can you have more than one cursor open at any one time in a program?
What is the Physical Storage Length of TIMESTAMP DB2 data type?
What is the Physical Storage Length of DATE DB2 data type?
Following datatype cannot be used twice in a table.
CHAR is not compatible with.
Which one is PL/SQL (but not SQL) datatype
Select all ANSI supported datatypes.