databases Online Quiz - 192
Description: databases Online Quiz - 192 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
select round(139.898,-2),round(188.898,-2) from dual would results in?
state true or false can we apply Round() to the column whose datatype is declared as DATE?
select substr('DECCANPARK',-5,6) FROM DUAL
The database administrator of your company created a public synonum called HR for the HUMAN_RESOURCES table of the GENERAL schema, because many users frequently use this table. As a user of the database, you created a table called HR in your schema. What happens when you execute this query: SELECT * FROM HR;
What is the result of the query "Select length(to_char(to_date(11032007,'ddmmyyyy'),'March')) from dual;" ?
When we use DISTINCT keyword in a SELECT query it will sort the output by the column-name we specified in the DISTINCT clause.
The output of the query " Select length(to_char(2000,'9999')) from dual; " is 4.
The output of the query " Select length(substr('SQL Functions',-10,12)) from dual; " is
The REPLACE function in SQL replaces the data in the database and displays it as output.
The output of the query "select sign(abs(-88)) from dual;" is
The output for the qyery "select lpad('sql functions',18,'*#$') from dual;" is
The output of the query " select instr('I''m an expert in oracle','d',-1,1) from dual; " is
The output of the query "select length('This is Ram''s book') from dual; " is
The output of the query " select instr('I am an expert in sql functions','n',-10,2) from dual; " is
The output of the query " select translate('123456789','235','xy') from dual; " is
The output of the query " select translate('123456789','235','xy') from dual; " is
Which of the following DB2 Products can only be installed on a System I server ?
Which of the following tools can be used to automate table reorganization operations?
Which of the following is NOT a valid method of authentication that can be used by DB2 9?
Which authority or privilege is granted by the DB2 Database Manager configuration file?