databases Online Quiz - 143

Description: databases Online Quiz - 143
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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  1. 32

  2. 16

  3. Can't nest triggers inside others.

  4. 2

Correct Option: B

The maximum size for expressions, variables, and arguments passed to stored procedures.

  1. 255

  2. 256

  3. 16483

  4. 1024

Correct Option: C

create or replace function add_three_numbers (a number := 0, b number := 0, c number := 0) return number is Begin return a+b+c; End; / Which is not a valid procedure call in Oracle 10g

  1. Begin Dbms_output.put_line(add_three_numbers (3,4,5)); End; /

  2. Begin Dbms_output.put_line(add_three_numbers (a => 3, b=>4,c=>5)); End; /

  3. Begin Dbms_output.put_line (add_three_numbers (3, b=>4,c=>5)); End; /

  4. select add_three_numbers (3, b=>4,c=>5) from dual

Correct Option: D

To be callable from SQL expressions, a user-defined function must: 1. Be a stored function 2. Accept only IN parameters 3. Accept only valid SQL data types, not PL/SQL specific types, as parameters 4. Return data types that are valid SQL data types, not PL/SQL specific types

  1. All are true

  2. 1, 2 and 4 are true

  3. 1 and 2 alone true

  4. 2 and 3 alone are ture

Correct Option: A

In For Loop syntax to go in reverse order

  1. begin For 1 in reverse 1..3 loop dbms_output.put_line(‘I is’ ||i); End loop; End; /

  2. begin For 1 in 1..3 reverse loop dbms_output.put_line(‘I is’ ||i); End loop; End; /

  3. begin For 1 in 3..1 loop dbms_output.put_line(‘I is’ ||i); End loop; End; /

  4. begin For 1 in 3..1 reverse loop dbms_output.put_line(‘I is’ ||i); End loop; End; /

Correct Option: A

Declare Cursor c is select * from emp; I emp%row_type; Begin open c; fetch c into I; loop Dbms_output_line(‘Emp name:’ || i.ename); fetch c into I; exit when c%notfound; End loop; End; What is the error in above PL/SQL Block

  1. Close cursor statement is not included

  2. No exception block present

  3. exit when c%notfound; this should have been given as exit when c%not_found;

  4. I emp%row_type; it should be given as %ROWTYPE

Correct Option: D
  1. There is no error in the statement

  2. Exception handler is missing

  3. CHAR is not a valid datatype

  4. Run time error The error displayed as Declare * Error at line 1: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string too small. Will come

Correct Option: D

Which attribute is not correct for an explicit cursor?


  2. %ISOPEN


  4. %COUNT

Correct Option: D

What is the smallest PL/SQL Block?

  1. Begin Dbms_output.put_line('Heello World'); exception when others then Dbms_output.put_line('error'); end; /

  2. Begin null; End;

  3. Declare a varchar2(100) := 'Hello World'; Begin Dbms_output.put_line(a); exception when others then Dbms_output.put_line('error'); end; /

  4. begin Dbms_output.put_line('Heello World'); end; /

Correct Option: B

What is true about the simple loop statement? 1. Loop block has entry criteria 2. Loop block checks for exit criteria 3. We need to put an entry criteria manually 4. We need to put an exit criteria manually. 5. Loop without any exit criteria will be indefinite loop.

  1. 1, 2 and 4 are true

  2. all statements are valid

  3. Only 4 an d 5 are true

  4. 1, 4 and 5 are true

Correct Option: C

Syntax for case structure?

  1. Case [ TRUE | selector_variable ]] When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then criteria1_statements; When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then Criteria2_statements; Else block statement; end;

  2. Case value case [criteria1 | expression1 ] then criteria1_statements; case [criteria1 | expression1 ] then Criteria2_statements; Else block statement; end case;

  3. Case [ TRUE | selector_variable ]] When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then criteria1_statements; When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then Criteria2_statements; Else block statement; end case;

  4. Case [ TRUE | selector_variable ]] Loop When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then criteria1_statements; When [criteria1 | expression1 ] then Criteria2_statements; Else block statement; end Loop;

Correct Option: C
  1. The exception B will be handled in inner block

  2. The exception B will be handled in outer block exception handler

  3. The exception will not be handled as there is no handler defined for B in inner block

  4. The exception section in inner block is executed and also Outer block exception section as we have defined there too

Correct Option: B

Begin Dbms_output.put_line(‘Hello world’) End; What is the error in the above block?

  1. There is no error in the statement

  2. Exception handler is missing

  3. DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE package must be declared

  4. semicolon is missing in the line "Dbms_output.put_line(‘Hello world’)"

Correct Option: D

DECLARE sal_limit NUMBER ( 4 ) := 0 ; my_ename emp.ename%TYPE ; my_sal emp.sal%TYPE ; CURSOR my_cursor IS SELECT ename , sal FROM emp WHERE sal > sal_limit ; BEGIN sal_limit := 1200 ; OPEN my_cursor; fetch my_cursor INTO my_ename , my_sal ; LOOP FETCH my_cursor INTO my_ename , my_sal ; EXIT WHEN my_cursor%NOTFOUND ; -- nothing returned INSERT INTO new_table VALUES ( my_ename , my_sal ) ; END LOOP ; COMMIT ; END ;

  1. For cursor fetching we have to use Cursor For loops

  2. There is no close statement for closing the cursor statement

  3. No errors in the block

  4. No exception handler found

Correct Option: B

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dml_call_sql (p_sal NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS BEGIN INSERT INTO employees(employee_id, last_name, email, hire_date, job_id, salary) VALUES(1, 'employee 1', '[email protected]', SYSDATE, 'SA_MAN', 1000); RETURN (p_sal + 100); END; / Function created. UPDATE employees SET salary = dml_call_sql(2000) WHERE employee_id = 170; What is the error in the block

  1. No errors in the block

  2. ORA-04091: table PLSQL.employees is mutating. Trigger/function may not see it. ORA-06512: at PL/SQL "DBMS_CALL_SQL"

  3. There is no exception handler in the function

  4. No rows updated exception will occur

Correct Option: B
  1. If the function exists, it will be dropped and replaced with the new version created by the statement.

  2. If the function does not exist, it will create a new one.

  3. No action will be taken

  4. There is no such option available.

Correct Option: A

How many type of cursors are available?

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B
  1. Some DML,PL/SQL statements

  2. All DML,PL/SQL statements

  3. Only PL/SQL statements

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: B

For processing rows in a specific sequence,

  1. Use ORDER BY clause

  2. Use ROW clause

  3. Use ROW BY clause

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: A
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