databases Online Quiz - 133

Description: databases Online Quiz - 133
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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Which component of the SGA contains the parsed SQL code?

  1. Buffer cache

  2. Dictionary cache

  3. Library cache

  4. Parse cache

Correct Option: C

To answer this question, the user needs to have knowledge of Oracle's System Global Area (SGA) and its components. The SGA is a shared memory area that stores data and control information for Oracle database instances. The components of the SGA include the buffer cache, the shared pool, and the large pool.

The parsed SQL code is stored in the Library Cache, which is part of the shared pool. The Library Cache is a part of the SGA that stores shared SQL and PL/SQL areas. These areas contain parsed and executable forms of SQL and PL/SQL statements.

Therefore, the correct answer to this question is:

The Answer is: C. Library cache

Which one is not mandatory background process ?

  1. DBWn (Writes the dirty buffers to datafiles)

  2. LGWR (writes the redo log buffer data to online redo log files)

  3. CKPT (An Event that flushes the modified data in buffer cache to disk and updates the controlfile and datafile)

  4. ARCn (Copies online redo log file to another location before they are overwritten)

Correct Option: D

Choose the correct hierarchy, from largest to smallest, from this list of logical database structures.

  1. Database, tablespace, extent, segment, block

  2. Database, tablespace, segment, extent, block

  3. Database, segment, tablespace, extent, block

  4. Database, extent, tablespace, segment, block

Correct Option: B

RAC has more then ....instance associated with database.

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Four

  4. None

Correct Option: A

Which memory structures are shared? Choose two.

  1. Sort area

  2. Program Global Area

  3. Library cache

  4. Large pool

Correct Option: C,D

What is the minimum number of online redo log files required in a database?

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Four

  4. Zero

Correct Option: B

Which view will contain the name of the database?

  1. V$database

  2. v$controlfile

  3. v$log

  4. V$DB

Correct Option: A

Which memory structures are shared? Choose two.

  1. Sort area

  2. Program Global Area

  3. Library cache

  4. Large pool

Correct Option: C,D

How do you check the database consistency?

  1. infodb

  2. ckpdb

  3. jnl

  4. accessdb

Correct Option: A

What is the command used to manually commit the transactions?

  1. accessdb

  2. rollforwarddb

  3. infodb

  4. lartool

Correct Option: D
  1. ingres start

  2. start ingres

  3. ingstart

  4. startup

Correct Option: C

What is the utility to monitor ingres locks

  1. lockstat

  2. logstat

  3. lock manager

  4. ipm

Correct Option: D

Command to restore ingres database to valid state.

  1. accessdb

  2. rollforwarddb

  3. restoredb

  4. dbrestore

Correct Option: B
  1. unloaddb

  2. downloaddb

  3. copydb

  4. movedb

Correct Option: A

This is the first column-oriented database to hit the data warehousing market.

  1. Vertica

  2. Sybase IQ

  3. ParAccel

  4. SAND

Correct Option: B
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