databases Online Quiz - 133
Description: databases Online Quiz - 133 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
Which component of the SGA contains the parsed SQL code?
Which one is not mandatory background process ?
Choose the correct hierarchy, from largest to smallest, from this list of logical database structures.
RAC has more then ....instance associated with database.
Which memory structures are shared? Choose two.
What is the minimum number of online redo log files required in a database?
Which view will contain the name of the database?
Which memory structures are shared? Choose two.
How do you check the database consistency?
What is the command used to manually commit the transactions?
What is the utility to monitor ingres locks
Command to restore ingres database to valid state.
This is the first column-oriented database to hit the data warehousing market.