databases Online Quiz - 108

Description: databases Online Quiz - 108
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: databases
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  1. DDL

  2. DML

  3. DCL

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: D

DESC belongs to

  1. DDL

  2. DCL

  3. DML

  4. None the above

Correct Option: D

How can we calculate average of a column?

  1. using AVG () function

  2. Using AVERAGE() function

  3. using SUM() and Count() functions

  4. using Total() function

Correct Option: A,C

what are the functions used for calculating sub totals ?

  1. Using Rollup() function

  2. Using SUBTOT() function

  3. Using SUBSUM() function

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

Which process registers the logfile in a standby database ?

  1. RFS

  2. MRP

  3. ARCH

  4. LGWR

Correct Option: C

Which process reads data from the data file into the database buffer cache ?

  1. Server process

  2. DBWR

  3. CKPT

  4. PMON

Correct Option: A

There is no entry in the file listener.ora. You issue the command "lsnrctl start". Which process will register the running instance with the listener?

  1. It will give an error

  2. PMON

  3. Default listener is started but the instance wont be registered.

  4. CJQn

Correct Option: B

what happens if the listener currently running for prod database is terminated due to some reason?

  1. The currently connected users will be disconnected.

  2. There will be no effect on users.

  3. remote users will not be allowed to spawn sessions.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Is it possible to resize the size of redo logs while the database is running?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

Code Name of SQL Server 2005?

  1. Aegan

  2. Yukon

  3. Kilimanjaro

  4. MSSQL

Correct Option: B

Which recovery model doesn't allow Log backups?

  1. Full

  2. Simple

  3. Bulk-Logged

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

This database will be flushed when SQL Server restarts

  1. model

  2. msdb

  3. tempdb

  4. MSSQLSystemResource

Correct Option: C

Which table has all the users of a server?

  1. sysusers

  2. syslogins

  3. sysserverusers

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Which of the following option helps to execute a stored procedure when the server instance starts?

  1. sp_procoption

  2. sp_serverstartup

  3. sp_autoexecute

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Which database holds the information of all the jobs in a server?

  1. master

  2. model

  3. sysjobs

  4. msdb

Correct Option: D

If a sysadmin is granted with "db_denydatareader" role for a database he will not be able to access the data from that database.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

What does the OUT= represents in PROC SORT ?

  1. Output dataset

  2. Inputdataset

  3. Both

  4. Output window

Correct Option: A

BY statement specifies one or more variables whose values are used to order the data in PROC SORT?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A
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