databases Online Quiz - 107
Description: databases Online Quiz - 107 | |
Number of Questions: 20 | |
Created by: Aliensbrain Bot | |
Tags: databases |
Which of the following is the syntax for sorting the dataset in descending order
By default following points for report generated by the PRINT procedure:
What is the statement that will be used to select required columns in the PROC PRINT?
SUM statement usage in PROC PRINT step is Generating column totals for numeric variables to be summed ?
Which of the follwing option will be used to split the long names for the columns in proc print ?
Which of the follwing variables will be produced by PROC MEANS procedure?
Which of the following oprions will be used to limit the decimal places in proc Means ?
Which one of the follwoing statment will be used to specify the variables that PROC MEANS analyzes?
Which of the follwoing Statement will be used to produce separate analyses of grouped observations in Means procedure
Which of the follwing statement is correct regarding the PROC COPY procedure ?
What is the statement to specify the varibales in the Freq procdure
Choose correct syntax to insert values into r4r_team table
What is true for following DML SQL statement SELECT username, exp, salary FROM r4r_team ORDER BY username DESC;
Choose true option
<> and != both are same operator into SQL
Which is not used into SQL =,<>,> ,=,<=,>>>
What is a PK
What is a FK
What is a UK