Problems on Trains - Formulas

The formulas provided are essential for solving train-based numerical problems efficiently. They cover various scenarios, such as determining the speed of a train, calculating the time taken for trains to cross each other in opposite or same directions, finding the distance from the starting point where two trains meet, and understanding the relationship between the speeds of two trains.

Problem on train - Formula Table

Formula Description
Speed of the Train Speed of the Train = Total distance covered by the train / Time taken
Time taken to cross each other in opposite directions Time taken = (a + b) / (x + y)
Time taken to cross each other in the same direction Time taken = (a + b) / (x - y)
Ratio between the speed of two trains Speed ratio = √(t2) : √(t1)
Distance from starting point where two trains meet Distance = (t2 - t1) * (product of speeds) / (difference in speeds)
Rest Time per hour Rest Time per hour = (Difference in average speed) / (Speed without stoppage)
Time taken to cross each other in opposite directions with equal lengths Time taken = (2 * t1 * t2) / (t1 + t2)
Time taken to cross each other in the same direction with equal lengths Time taken = (2 * t1 * t2) / (t2 - t1)

Explanation with example for each formula

Speed of the Train:

$ \text{Speed of the Train} = \frac{\text{Total distance covered by the train}}{\text{Time taken}} $

Time taken to cross each other in opposite directions:

$ \text{Time taken} = \frac{a + b}{x + y} $

Example: Two trains with lengths 100 meters and 120 meters are moving towards each other with speeds of 60 km/h and 80 km/h, respectively. How much time will they take to cross each other?

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Time taken} = \frac{100 + 120}{60 + 80} = \frac{220}{140} = 1.57 $ hours (rounded to two decimal places).

Time taken to cross each other in the same direction:

$ \text{Time taken} = \frac{a + b}{x - y} $

Example: Two trains with lengths 150 meters and 200 meters are moving in the same direction with speeds of 40 km/h and 20 km/h, respectively. How much time will it take for the faster train to cross the slower train?

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Time taken} = \frac{150 + 200}{40 - 20} = \frac{350}{20} = 17.5 $ hours.

Ratio between the speed of two trains:

$ \text{Speed ratio} = \sqrt{\frac{t_2}{t_1}} $

Example: Two trains start simultaneously from stations X and Y towards each other. After crossing each other, they took 4 hours and 9 hours to reach stations Y and X, respectively. Find the ratio between their speeds.

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Speed ratio} = \sqrt{\frac{9}{4}} = \sqrt{2.25} = 1.5 $.

Distance from starting point where two trains meet:

$ \text{Distance} = (t_2 - t_1) \times \frac{\text{Product of speeds}}{\text{Difference in speeds}} $

Example: Two trains leave stations X and Y at times $ t_1 $ and $ t_2 $, respectively. The speeds of the trains are 60 km/h and 80 km/h. If they meet after 3 hours, find the distance from station X where they meet.

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Distance} = (t_2 - t_1) \times \frac{\text{Product of speeds}}{\text{Difference in speeds}} = 3 \times \frac{60 \times 80}{80 - 60} = 3 \times \frac{4800}{20} = 720 $ km.

Rest Time per hour:

$ \text{Rest Time per hour} = \frac{\text{Difference in average speed}}{\text{Speed without stoppage}} $

Example: A train covers a certain distance without any stoppage at an average speed of 80 km/h. However, with a 10-minute stoppage per hour, it covers the same distance at an average speed of 60 km/h. Find the rest time per hour.

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Rest Time per hour} = \frac{\text{Difference in average speed}}{\text{Speed without stoppage}} = \frac{80 - 60}{80} = \frac{20}{80} = 0.25 { hours}$

which is equivalent to 15 minutes.

Time taken to cross each other in opposite directions with equal lengths:

$ \text{Time taken} = \frac{2 \times t_1 \times t_2}{t_1 + t_2} $

Example: Two trains of equal lengths take 10 seconds and 15 seconds, respectively, to cross a pole. Find the time taken by them to cross each other if they are moving in opposite directions.

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Time taken} = \frac{2 \times 10 \times 15}{10 + 15} = \frac{300}{25} = 12 $ seconds.

Time taken to cross each other in the same direction with equal lengths:

$ \text{Time taken} = \frac{2 \times t_1 \times t_2}{t_2 - t_1} $

Example: Two trains of equal lengths take 12 seconds and 18 seconds, respectively, to cross a pole. Find the time taken by them to cross each other if they are moving in the same direction.

Substituting the given values into the formula: $ \text{Time taken} = \frac{2 \times 12 \times 18}{18 - 12} = \frac{432}{6} = 72 $ seconds.