Tag: web 2.0

Questions Related to web 2.0

  1. A type of backlink

  2. A spam method

  3. An warez site

  4. A method of getting fake visits to your site

Correct Option: A

To answer this question, the user needs to know about the concept of trackbacks.

A trackback is a type of backlink that notifies a website when another website links to its content. It is a way for a blogger or website owner to see who is linking to their content, which can help them build relationships with other websites in their niche.

Option A is the correct answer because a trackback is indeed a type of backlink.

Option B is incorrect because a trackback is not a spam method. It is a legitimate way to notify a website of a link to its content.

Option C is incorrect because a trackback is not related to warez sites.

Option D is incorrect because a trackback does not involve getting fake visits to a site.

Therefore, the Answer is: A. A type of backlink.

  1. James Bravo

  2. Tom Bravo

  3. James Wales

  4. James Willis

Correct Option: C
  1. Really simple syndication

  2. Really simple site

  3. Rich site summary

  4. RDF site summary

Correct Option: B
  1. Bill Gates

  2. Yahoo

  3. Google

  4. Tim O'Reilly

Correct Option: D
  1. Better Design

  2. Better Sound

  3. user generated content

  4. sharing & openess

Correct Option: C,D
  1. Collective knowledge from many is of greater value than that of a single expert

  2. An expert opinion always outweighs that from a group

  3. Experts can seek opinions from others to increase their wisdom

  4. Diverse collections of independently-deciding individuals requires an expert to resolve conflicts

Correct Option: A
  1. Blogs have comments while Wiki does not

  2. Blog is advanced form of a wiki

  3. Blog is usually centered around one person, while wiki is many to many

  4. Wiki is usually centered around one person, while Blog is many to many

Correct Option: C
  1. They get better as more people use it

  2. Multiple users schedule their time to use it one by one

  3. They provide users with content rather than asking users to create it

  4. Web 2.0 application refers to a new version of a web 1.0 application

Correct Option: A
  1. It is used to indicate ownership of content

  2. It is used to flag inappropriate content

  3. It refers to keyword that users attach to content

  4. It is used to indicate featured content on a website

Correct Option: C