Tag: packaged enterprise solutions

Questions Related to packaged enterprise solutions

Siebel Gateway Server should be up and running for installing a Siebel Server. Is the statement true or False?

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

What is the Business objects layer in Siebel

  1. View

  2. Business Service

  3. Business Component

  4. Applet

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) View - This option is incorrect because a view is a user interface component that displays data from a business component. It is not part of the business objects layer in Siebel.

Option B) Business Service - This option is incorrect because a business service is a reusable piece of code that performs specific business logic. It is not part of the business objects layer in Siebel.

Option C) Business Component - This option is correct because the business component is a fundamental building block in the business objects layer of Siebel. It represents a logical unit of data and encapsulates the business logic and rules associated with that data.

Option D) Applet - This option is incorrect because an applet is a user interface component that displays data from a business component. It is not part of the business objects layer in Siebel.

The correct answer is C) Business Component. This option is correct because the business component is a key component of the business objects layer in Siebel, representing a logical unit of data and encapsulating the associated business logic and rules.

  1. Order condition

  2. Search Specification

  3. Set of Actions

  4. Set of Events

Correct Option: B
  1. Type is Data (Private)

  2. Always prefixed with ‘X_’

  3. Provided by Siebel for Developers use

  4. Cannot be edited

Correct Option: B

For an assignment rule if you have scores 10 for Product, 15 for Country and 5 for Language, which is the most important criteria

  1. Product

  2. Country

  3. Language

  4. All are equally important

Correct Option: B
  1. Through Gateway server

  2. Through Domain Server

  3. Through Enterprise Server

  4. Directly

Correct Option: A

Which is the following base table that would get populated after using the sample .ifb file



  3. S_PROD

  4. S_PARTY

Correct Option: A

A potential client, partner and competitor is represented by which entity in Siebel

  1. Contact

  2. Account

  3. Customer

  4. Service Request

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of entities in Siebel.

In Siebel, an entity represents a specific type of data that is stored and managed within the system. Each entity represents a different aspect of a business, such as customers, contacts, accounts, and service requests.

A potential client, partner, and competitor would be represented by the "Account" entity in Siebel. The Account entity is used to store information about organizations or companies that interact with a business, including potential clients, partners, and competitors.

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Contact - The Contact entity in Siebel represents individuals associated with an account. While a potential client, partner, or competitor may have associated contacts, the primary entity for these entities is the Account entity.

Option B) Account - This option is correct because the Account entity in Siebel represents organizations or companies, including potential clients, partners, and competitors.

Option C) Customer - The Customer entity in Siebel represents individuals or organizations that have an established relationship with the business. While potential clients, partners, and competitors may eventually become customers, they are initially represented by the Account entity.

Option D) Service Request - The Service Request entity in Siebel represents requests or inquiries made by customers for support or service. It is not directly related to potential clients, partners, or competitors.

The correct answer is B) Account. This option is correct because the Account entity in Siebel represents organizations or companies, including potential clients, partners, and competitors.

What determines localization

  1. Tools Language Mode

  2. Siebel Tools

  3. Regional Settings

  4. OS regional settings

Correct Option: B

A Screen is a collection of

  1. Applets

  2. Business Components


  4. Business Objects

Correct Option: C

To answer this question, the user needs to have basic knowledge of user interface design and software development.

The correct answer is:

C. Views


In software development, a screen refers to the user interface of an application. It is the visual representation of the information and functionality that the application provides to the user.

A screen is typically made up of one or more views, which are individual components that display specific information or allow the user to perform certain actions. For example, a login screen might have separate views for the username and password fields, as well as a button to submit the login credentials.

Applets refer to small applications that are designed to run within a larger application or web page. They are often used to provide specific functionality, such as a calculator or weather widget.

Business components and business objects are both terms used in software development to refer to specific parts of an application's architecture. Business components typically encapsulate specific pieces of business logic or functionality, while business objects represent the data that the application works with.

Therefore, the correct option is C. Views.