Tag: leadership

Questions Related to leadership

  1. Take a stand and say something

  2. Say nothing and save your job

  3. Simply start find another job

  4. Resign, find another job

Correct Option: A
  1. Take time to plan when you can all meet together.

  2. Make sure that each leader has the necessary books and resources.

  3. Encourage new leaders to use their own talents and skills to enrich your program.

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

To encourage leadership potential in your fellow Guiders, you can do the following:

A. Take time to plan when you can all meet together: This option is a good practice to encourage leadership potential in your fellow Guiders. By having regular meetings, you can share your knowledge and experience, brainstorm ideas, and discuss potential challenges. This can foster a collaborative environment where everyone can learn from each other and develop their leadership skills.

B. Make sure that each leader has the necessary books and resources: This option is also important, as it enables Guiders to have access to the necessary tools and resources to support the program. Having the right materials can help Guiders plan and deliver activities that are engaging and age-appropriate, which can promote confidence and leadership potential.

C. Encourage new leaders to use their own talents and skills to enrich your program: This option is crucial, as it can empower Guiders to use their unique strengths and abilities to contribute to the program. By encouraging creativity and diversity of thought, you can help your fellow Guiders develop their leadership potential and make a meaningful impact on the girls they serve.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: D (All the above)

  1. Include the girls in planning

  2. For Pathfinders and Senior Branch Members, give them the freedom to plan and carry out their own ideas. Be there to support, encourage and assist when needed.

  3. Assign regular duties for each patrol. If one patrol is responsible for Campfire, then make sure there are resources to use, such as song books, a book of readings, campfire games, a file of songs the girls know, a Guider to assist if needed.

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Ram met Suresh, who was at the library

  1. .

  2. !

  3. ?

  4. N/A

Correct Option: A