Tag: softskills

Questions Related to softskills

  1. mata ne

  2. Dewa mata

  3. Jya mata

  4. Mata ashita

Correct Option: D

Cyberslacking means ?

  1. browsing for personal needs in office hours

  2. browsing for personal needs in collefe

  3. browsing in others computer

  4. browsing in others mobile

Correct Option: A
  1. Hacking into others system and finding out what they do

  2. Internet service provider collecting personal information of it clients and giving it to third parties

  3. hacking others mobile to find call logs information

  4. Browsers collecting information about popular site from users clicks

Correct Option: B
  1. name of a village

  2. name of a extinct creature

  3. name of a food

  4. name of a person

Correct Option: A
  1. Fear of long words

  2. Fear of short words

  3. Fear of words

  4. Fear of sentences

Correct Option: A
  1. Blessed by someone invisible

  2. Luck

  3. Something good that isn't recognized at first

  4. None of the Above

Correct Option: C

Hit the sack means

  1. Hit some one

  2. Sleep

  3. Hit a bag

  4. play music

Correct Option: B
  1. mild punishment

  2. Slapping heavily

  3. Slapped on wrist

  4. Broke the wrist bone

Correct Option: A

"A Taste Of Your Own medicine" means

  1. Each medicine has its own taste

  2. some one taking same medicine as you take

  3. your Medicine tastes good

  4. Got mistreated the same way you mistreat others

Correct Option: D