Tag: math & puzzles

Questions Related to math & puzzles

  1. If it is not sunny and it is snowing then Pedro goes hunting.

  2. If it is windy and Pedro does not go hunting then it is not snowing.

  3. If it is windy and not sunny then Pedro goes hunting.

  4. If it is windy and sunny then Pedro goes hunting.

Correct Option: B
  1. Labor costs in Korea are twenty  percent below those in Germany.

  2. Importing tractors into Germany will eliminate twenty  percent of the manufacturing jobs in Germany.

  3. The costs of transporting a tractor  from Korea to Germany is more than twenty  percent of the cost of manufacturing the tractor in Korea.

  4. The import taxes on a tractor  imported from Korea to Germany is less than twenty  percent of the cost of manufacturing the tractor in Germany.

Correct Option: D

To solve this question, the user needs to understand the information provided and make logical inferences based on that information.

The passage states that the cost of manufacturing tractors in Korea is twenty percent less than the cost of manufacturing tractors in Germany. Even after transportation fees and import taxes are added, it is still cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany than to produce tractors in Germany.

Now let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. Labor costs in Korea are twenty percent below those in Germany. There is no information given about the specific percentage difference in labor costs between Korea and Germany. The passage only states that the cost of manufacturing tractors in Korea is twenty percent less than in Germany. This does not necessarily mean that labor costs are twenty percent below those in Germany. Therefore, this option is not supported by the information given.

B. Importing tractors into Germany will eliminate twenty percent of the manufacturing jobs in Germany. There is no information given about the potential impact on manufacturing jobs in Germany. The passage only states that it is cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany, but it does not provide any information about the impact on jobs. Therefore, this option is not supported by the information given.

C. The costs of transporting a tractor from Korea to Germany is more than twenty percent of the cost of manufacturing the tractor in Korea. This option is not supported by the information given. The passage mentions that even after transportation fees and import taxes are added, it is still cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany. This suggests that the costs of transporting the tractors are not more than twenty percent of the cost of manufacturing them in Korea. Therefore, this option is not supported by the information given.

D. The import taxes on a tractor imported from Korea to Germany is less than twenty percent of the cost of manufacturing the tractor in Germany. This option is supported by the information given. The passage states that even after transportation fees and import taxes are added, it is still cheaper to import tractors from Korea to Germany. This implies that the import taxes on the tractors are less than twenty percent of the cost of manufacturing them in Germany. Therefore, this option is supported by the information given.

The Answer is: D

  1. Examining the death rates for doctors in the years before and after 1695.

  2. Separating deaths due to natural causes during the treatment of plague suffers from deaths caused by other causes.

  3. Comparing death rates per thousand members of each group rather than comparing total numbers of deaths.

  4. The figures quoted may vary by plus or minus ten percent from the actual figures.

Correct Option: C

To solve the question, let's analyze each statement and determine which one casts the most doubt on the conclusion:

A. Examining the death rates for doctors in the years before and after 1695.

This statement would provide additional information about the death rates of doctors in different time periods, which could help determine if the death rates during 1695 were significantly different or not. If the death rates were similar in other years, it would suggest that the deaths in 1695 may not be directly related to treating plague sufferers. Therefore, this statement could cast doubt on the conclusion.

B. Separating deaths due to natural causes during the treatment of plague sufferers from deaths caused by other causes.

This statement suggests that deaths during the treatment of plague sufferers could be caused by factors unrelated to the treatment itself. By isolating deaths caused by other factors, it would help determine if treating plague sufferers directly contributed to the higher death rates among doctors. This statement provides valuable information but doesn't directly cast doubt on the conclusion.

C. Comparing death rates per thousand members of each group rather than comparing total numbers of deaths.

This statement suggests comparing death rates per thousand members of each group, which would give a more accurate representation of the risk involved. It could reveal that the death rates among doctors who treated plague sufferers were relatively higher compared to their overall population, indicating a higher risk. Conversely, it could also show that the death rates among doctors who didn't treat plague sufferers were relatively higher compared to their population, casting doubt on the conclusion. Therefore, this statement could potentially cast doubt on the conclusion.

D. The figures quoted may vary by plus or minus ten percent from the actual figures.

This statement implies a margin of error in the figures provided. While it's important to consider the accuracy of the data, it doesn't directly challenge the conclusion based on the given figures. It might affect the precision of the conclusion, but it doesn't provide contradictory information.

Therefore, based on the analysis above, the statement that would cast the most doubt on the conclusion is:

C. Comparing death rates per thousand members of each group rather than comparing total numbers of deaths.

  1. 13/20

  2. 15/20

  3. 13/15

  4. 17/20

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to know basic arithmetic and the concept of fractions. We can start by adding the fractions that represent the proportion of teams from Europe, the US, and Africa:

20% = 1/5 (Europe)

1/2 (US)

1/20 (Africa)

To find the fraction of teams from neither Europe, the US or Africa, we need to subtract the sum of these fractions from 1 (which represents the total proportion of teams):

1 - (1/5 + 1/2 + 1/20) = 1 - (8/20) = 12/20

Simplifying 12/20 to lowest terms, we get:

12/20 = 3/5

Therefore, the fraction of teams from neither Europe, the US or Africa is 3/5.

Option B (15/20) is incorrect because it is the same as 3/4, which is not equal to 3/5.

Option C (13/15) is incorrect because it is greater than 1 (the total proportion of teams).

Option D (17/20) is incorrect because it is greater than 1 (the total proportion of teams).

The Answer is: A (13/20).

  1. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, but statement 2 alone is not sufficient.

  2. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, but statement 1 alone is not sufficient.

  3. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither statement alone is sufficient.

  4. Each statement alone is sufficient

Correct Option: D

To solve this question, you need to know how to set up a system of equations using the given information and how to solve for the unknown variable. Here is one possible explanation:

Let $x$ be the number of bottles that Jim fills in one minute and $y$ be the number of bottles that Molly fills in one minute. Then, we have the following equations:

  • $x + y = 30$ (the total number of bottles filled by Jim and Molly in one minute $\frac{900}{30}$)

Statement 1 tells us that $y = x/2$, which means that Molly fills half as many bottles as Jim in one minute. We can substitute this into the first equation and get:

  • $x + x/2 = 30$
  • $3x/2 = 30$
  • $x = 20$

This means that Jim fills 20 bottles in one minute and Molly fills 10 bottles in one minute. We can use this to find how long it takes Molly to fill the bottles by herself:

  • $30y = 900$
  • $30(10) = 900$
  • $y = 30$

So, Molly takes 30 minutes by herself to fill the bottles. Therefore, statement 1 alone is sufficient to answer the question.

Statement 2 tells us that $45x = 900$, which means that Jim would take 45 minutes by himself to fill the bottles. We can solve for x and get:

  • $x = 20$

This is the same as what we found from statement 1, so we can use it to find how long it takes Molly to fill the bottles by herself:

  • $y = x/2$
  • $y = 20/2$
  • $y = 10$

So, Molly fills 10 bottles in one minute and takes 30 minutes by herself to fill the bottles. Therefore, statement 2 alone is also sufficient to answer the question.

Since both statements alone are sufficient, the correct answer is D. Each statement alone is sufficient.