Tag: history

Questions Related to history

What was the name of the British Indian Empire?

  1. The Punjab

  2. Kashmir

  3. The Raj

  4. Kolkata

Correct Option: C

Where in Africa did King Leopold conquer?

  1. Congo

  2. Rwanda

  3. Ethiopia

  4. South Africa

Correct Option: A

How far did Gandhi walk during his campaign against the salt tax?

  1. 240 miles

  2. 100 miles

  3. 400 miles

  4. 2400 miles

Correct Option: A

The Salt March, which took place from March to April 1930 in India, was an act of civil disobedience led by Mohandas Gandhi to protest British rule in India. During the march, thousands of Indians followed Gandhi from his religious retreat near Ahmedabad to the Arabian Sea coast, a distance of some 240 miles. Hence, Option A is correct. Among the rest, none of these estimates correspond to the one recorded, hence, incorrect. 

When did the race for colonies begin?

  1. 1650

  2. 1750

  3. 1850

  4. 1950

Correct Option: C

Which event saw campaigns against tax and acts of defiance against the British?

  1. Tax riot

  2. Railway march

  3. Salt march

  4. Pepper march

Correct Option: C

What was Britain's primary goal in building an Empire?

  1. Gaining power and wealth

  2. Spreading Christianity

  3. Dominating other races

  4. Waging wars

Correct Option: A

With respect to its colonies, British mercantilism meant that the government and the merchants became partners with the goal of increasing political power and private wealth, to the exclusion of other empires.Many statesmen before 1914 were convinced that the concept of the struggle for existence was also valid in foreign policy. Empires and nation states were seen as entities that could rise and fall. According to the principle of Social Darwinism, only the strongest states would survive. Colonial expansion was therefore viewed as a precondition for gaining access to necessary resources. This imperialist mood was directly influenced by the idea of the “survival of the fittest”. Hence, Option A is correct. The rest of the factors were the means by which they intended to gain control over other countries. It was not their aim, but methods of gaining the aim, hence, these are incorrect. 

Under the leadership of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Muslim League believed in the creation of a separate Muslim state. They created the nation of:

  1. Pakistan

  2. Manchuria

  3. Islamabad

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The campaign to establish an independent Muslim state by the Muslim League came to prominence in the 1920s and 30s. It was led by the philosopher and poet Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Pakistan was created, as an Islamic state, out of the partition of the UK's Indian Empire, at independence in August 1947. Hence, Option A is correct. Among, the rest of the options, Manchukuo, officially the State of Manchuria prior to 1934 and the Empire of Manchuria after 1934, was a puppet state of the Empire of Japan in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia from 1932 until 1945. It was founded in 1932 after the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, and in 1934 it became a constitutional monarchy. Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan. Hence, these are incorrect. 

What resource was valuable in Congo when King Leopold took over?

  1. Rubber

  2. Cotton

  3. Soil

  4. Oil

Correct Option: A
In the Berlin Conference of 1884 through 1885, King Leopold II of Belgium succeeded in convincing the major powers that his interests in Congo were purely philanthropic and all he wanted was to bring civilization to Congo. Henry Morton Stanley, a great explorer of the time, was employed by the King to lay foundations of his future colony in Congo. During that time there was an exponential demand growth for rubber in the international market thanks to the invention of pneumatic tire by John Boyd Dunlop. Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. commenced tire production on November 21, 1898. King Leopold II, a clever and immensely greedy businessman, made arrangements to get to Europe as much quantity of rubber as possible and as fast as possible; he could foresee the competition which would soon arise from growing rubber plantations in South America and Southeast Asia. Hence, Option A was correct. The rest of the resources were imported from the Middle East, Eastern countries like India and the Americas, hence, incorrect. 

The first train that was built to allow lots of immigration to Western Canada in early 20th century was called:

  1. Canadian Pacific Railway

  2. Canadian Atlantic Railway

  3. Canadian Transpacific Railway

  4. Canadian Transatlantic Railway

Correct Option: A

The Canadian Pacific Railway was originally built between eastern Canada and British Columbia between 1881 and 1885 (connecting with Ottawa Valley and Georgian Bay area lines built earlier), fulfilling a promise extended to British Columbia when it entered Confederation in 1871. It was Canada's first transcontinental railway. Now primarily a freight railway, the CPR was for two decades the only practical means of long-distance passenger transport in most regions of Canada and was instrumental in the settlement and development of Western Canada. Hence, Option A is correct. The Canadian Atlantic Railway connected Georgian Bay on Lake Huron with the northern end of Lake Champlain via Ottawa, ON. Canadian Transpacific Railway is the same as Canadian Pacific Railway and the Canadian Transatlantic Railway is the same as the Canadian Transatlantic Railway. Hence, the rest of the options are incorrect. 

What revolution made France and Great Britain want to colonize Africa?

  1. Industrial

  2. French

  3. Ottoman Empire

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
The 19th century in Europe was a time of industrialization, marking the advent of Industrial Revolution. Factories in Europe required raw materials to be manufactured into marketable products. As a result, Europeans sought both a source of raw materials, as well as, a market for manufactured goods in Africa. This economic motivation played a larger role in the colonization of Africa. Again in this period the free trade was giving way to protective tariffs and discriminatory practices in the colonies as well as at home meant a growing urgency for protected overseas markets.The competition was particularly strong between Britain, France, and Germany; the strongest European nation-states in the late 19th century were able to make certain areas of Africa into their colonies in two main ways. Hence, Option A is correct. The French Revolution in 1789-1799 led to the foundation of France as a republic. And the Ottoman Empire was based in Turkey and not a revolution. Hence, these are incorrect.