Tag: science & technology

Questions Related to science & technology

  1. Book showing places which are drought hit

  2. Book showing list of animals, plants and fungi which are under the threat of extinction

  3. Book with list of hottest places on earth

  4. Book with list of earthquake prone areas on earth

Correct Option: B

To answer this question, the user needs to have some knowledge about environmental conservation and the purpose of various books.

Option A is incorrect because the Red Data Book is not related to drought-hit places.

Option B is correct. The Red Data Book is a compilation of the world's endangered species of animals, plants, and fungi. It is a comprehensive list of threatened species with the aim of protecting them from extinction.

Option C is incorrect because the Red Data Book is not related to the hottest places on earth.

Option D is incorrect because the Red Data Book is not related to earthquake-prone areas on earth.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: B. Book showing list of animals, plants and fungi which are under the threat of extinction.

  1. Malaysia

  2. Srilanka

  3. Thailand

  4. Russia

Correct Option: C
  1. Flemingo

  2. Bald Eagle

  3. Ostrich

  4. Albatros

Correct Option: D

Of which gas is the atmosphere primarily made up?

  1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

  2. Oxygen (O2)

  3. Water (H2O)

  4. Nitrogen (N2)

Correct Option: D

A particular electromagnetic signal has a wavelength of 1 m. What is its frequency?

  1. 1 Hz

  2. 300 000 Hz

  3. 300 000 000 Hz

  4. 1 000 000 000 Hz

Correct Option: C
  1. melting/freezing

  2. pushing/pulling

  3. evaporating/melting

  4. condensing/evaporating

Correct Option: D