Tag: technology

Questions Related to technology

  1. test $a -eq $b

  2. test $a -equal $b

  3. test $a = $b

  4. sh -c test $a == $b

Correct Option: A
  1. sleep 1 & echo $#

  2. test sleep 1

  3. sleep 1 & echo $?

  4. sleep 1 & echo $!

Correct Option: A,C
  1. Identifies & describes a dataset

  2. Delimits a DO loop

  3. Marks the start of a declarative section

  4. Delimits the start of an inline include section

Correct Option: A
  1. Primary, Secondary, Directory

  2. Address, Units, CONTIG or ALS

  3. Displacement and length

  4. Megabytes, Kilobytes and Bytes

Correct Option: A
  1. JAVA/JDK 1.5/JRE/LIB/rt.jar

  2. JAVA/JDK 1.5/JRE/LIB/rm.jar

  3. you cant see

  4. JAVA/JDK 1.5/BIN/LIB/rt.jar

Correct Option: A,B,C,D