Tag: introduction to angiosperms

Questions Related to introduction to angiosperms

Vegetative nucleus occurs in

  1. All flowering plants

  2. All seed plants

  3. All vascular plants

  4. All embryophytes

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

  1. Chryanthemum- Natural parathyroid

  2. Leucaena - Dye

  3. Acacia- Essential oil

  4. Casuraina- Fodder

Correct Option: A

Presence of staminode is characteristic feature of ____________.

  1. Caesalpinoideae

  2. Minosoideae

  3. Arecaceae

  4. Euphorbiaceae

Correct Option: A

The alternate name for the family Palmae is?

  1. Poaceae

  2. Palmaceae

  3. Araceae

  4. Arecaceae

Correct Option: A

How many of the following characters are suitable to pea plant in the vegetative stage

1. Superior ovary
2. Marginal placentation
3. Gamosepalous condition
4. Papilionaceous corolla
5. Zygomorphic flowers
6. Non-endospermic seeds
7. Stipulate leaves
8. Pinnate compound leaves
9. Root Nodules
10. Foliaceous stipules

  1. 10

  2. 6

  3. 7

  4. 4

Correct Option: A

All of the above characters are seen in the pea plant in the vegetative stage 

1) It has a superior ovary because the ovary is attached to the receptacle above the attachment of other floral parts. 

2) It is said to have marginal placentation because the ovary in which the placenta forms a ridge along the ventral suture of the ovary and the ovules develop on two separate rows.
3) It is gamosepalous because the sepals are partly or completely united
4) It is papilionaceous corolla it has a corolla with usually five petals that include a large upper petal enclosing two lateral wings and a lower carina of two united petals.
5) It has zygomorphic flowers because the flower is bilaterally symmetrical 
6) It is said to have Non-endospermic seeds as because endosperm is absent in the pea seeds
7) It has stipulate leaves because of the presence of stipules near the node of leaves.
8)It has pinnately compound leaves because a row of leaflets forms on either side of an extension of the petiole called the rachis.
9) It has Root nodules because of the symbiotic relationship between nitrogen-fixing bacteria which forms nodules on roots.
10)it has foliaceous stipules because the stipules are green and expanded like leaves.
So, the correct option is A.

In flowering plants, the male gametes are formed by.

  1. Generative cell

  2. Uninucleate microspore

  3. Vegetative cell

  4. Pollen tube

Correct Option: A

Stamens of Jowar$/$ Grass are

  1. Dorsifixed

  2. Versatile

  3. Basifixed

  4. Adnate

Correct Option: B

Stamens of Jowar/Grass are versatile. It implies that their filaments are attached to anther at a point on the connective. Due to this, the anthers can swing freely. This type of arrangement is useful because grasses use wind as the pollinating agent. Freely swinging anthers can dehisce and release the pollen grains in the wind, they can be carried to the suitable stigma.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Versatile'

In angiosperms, the chalazal megaspore undergoes mitosis how many times?

  1. Never

  2. Twice

  3. Thrice

  4. Repeatedly

Correct Option: A

Identify the incorrect statement.

  1. In over $60$ percent of angiosperms, pollen grains all shed at $2$-celled stage

  2. In less than $40$ percent species of angiosperms pollination occurs at $3$-celled stage of pollen grains

  3. Intine of pollen grain is made up of cellulose and pectin

  4. Pollen grains of a few species cause severe allergies and bronchial

Correct Option: A

What are cotyledons?

  1. They are the leaves of embryo.

  2. They are the leaves.

  3. They are the stems of embryo.

  4. None of the above.

Correct Option: A

Cotyledons are the leaves of embryo. Their number is either one or two. Sometimes, they store food materials and become fleshy.