Tag: pictorial feature of plant kingdom

Questions Related to pictorial feature of plant kingdom

On germination a moss spore produces

  1. Protonema

  2. Leafy gametophyte

  3. Sporogonium

  4. Sporophyte

Correct Option: A

What is characteristic of sporophyte of Anthoceros?

  1. Presence of mechanical tissue

  2. Photosynthesis

  3. Meristematic zone

  4. Foot

Correct Option: C

A bryophyte harbouring Nostoc colonies is

  1. Zoopis

  2. Anthoceros

  3. Dawsonia

  4. Marchantia

Correct Option: B

In Riccia/bryophytes

  1. Sporophyte is parasitic over gametophyte

  2. Gametophyte is parasitic over sporophyte

  3. Sporophyte is independent of gametophyte

  4. Sporophyte is semiparasite

Correct Option: A

Slime pores occur ventrally in

  1. Marchantia

  2. Riccia

  3. Sphagnum

  4. Anthoceros

Correct Option: D

In moss, stomata occur on

  1. Stem

  2. Leaves

  3. Capsule

  4. All the above

Correct Option: C

Rhizoids in Riccia are

  1. Unicellular smooth-walled

  2. Unicellular tuberculate

  3. Both smooth-walled and tuberculate unicellular

  4. Multicellular smooth-walled and tuberculate

Correct Option: C

Epidermis of axis/stem of Funaria shows

  1. Absence of cuticle

  2. Absence of stomata

  3. Presence of cuticle but absence of stomata

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

An archegonium of Riccia has

  1. $4$ neck canal cells, $1$ venter canal cell and one oosphere

  2. $4$ neck canal cells, $2$ venter canal cell and one oosphere

  3. $4$ neck canal cells, one venter canal cell and two oosphere

  4. $6$ neck canal cells, $2$ venter canal cell and one oosphere

Correct Option: A

Moss protonema resembles in structure with 

  1. Multicellular green alga

  2. Hypha of Rhizopus

  3. Unicellular structure of Acetabularia

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A